Scottish & Irish folk songs combined with Lord of the Rings music and Celtic music fun at Renaissance Faires

Creative Booking Ideas

Looking to have us play at your next event? Well here are some ideas for you to consider to make it affordable and fun and to help us get the name out.

Factors To Consider

Here are some things we look at when booking gigs,
  1. Who wants us to play?
    If you are a devoted fan doing a lot of work and promotion with us. You can bet will do something for you because we know you will be more enthusiastic about doing more.

  2. Where do you want us to play?
    Travel, of course, may raise our rate, but in-town gigs are very easy to do, therefore, the cost can be fairly reasonable.

  3. Type of Venue
    Every venue can have it's own price. If you have a huge income, the price goes up. If you're a student, well we can work with your budget as well.

  4. How many people will we be playing for?
    We are on a steady look out for gigs where we will get a lot of exposure. So if you're having a party, or you live in a dorm, and there a lot of people involved, the price can vary depending on the first three factors to our desire to break into your market. And we have even been known to support a "very noble cause." So please don't hesitate to ask.

  5. How long do you want us to play
    It is obviously much easier to do a short set, and even cater the set to fit a specific mood you may want to achieve. It will also save you money in the long run.

  6. How much?
    Of course, a big factor, but really only number 5 on the list is...the cost. How much are You willing to pay to have quality entertainment play at your event? Remember, we're trying to make a living at music. But to us every Nagian is an important member of our team.

  7. Competitive Opportunities?
    Although we have been known to support "noble causes," better opportunities arise. So work with us closely and make sure we don't have conflicts and we'll put on one heck of a show for you.

Creative Ideas

We love working with Nagians, so please brainstorm. Think how we can help you and help ourselves. Here's some great ideas:

  • House Concert
    Put together a House Concert at your house. House Concerts are spreading across the nation for the folk music market. And you can have one too. Whether it is non-alcholic, non-drinking venue, or something else, it is a great oppotunity for all involved. And fairly simple to put together. Just talk to your friends. For you, you get free music in your home under your chosen conditions. For us, we make some money (there is usually a cover charge of $3-8) and get to make some new acquaintances in an intimate environment.

    For more information on producing a House Concert

  • Dorms
    Campus Residence Halls offer innumerable advantages for those wanting live music. Every Resident Hall has a budget. All you need to do is go to your student government and ask them to hire us for some event. Or just talk to your Resident Assitant and let him/her do the trick. Get a few of your roommates to encourage it, and it'll get rolling. We'll do a show for you floor, section, hall, or all the Residence Halls.

  • Party
    Want to throw a party, maybe with a theme. We'd love to play it either totally unplugged or amplified, we'll put on a heck of a show with drinking songs, sing-a-longs, and music to romance your loved one present or future.

  • Weddings
    Ahh, the opportunity to guide a Nagian down the isle is what it's all about. Though frequently, more expensive. We are still always willing to work with you.

Other thoughts and ideas of things to do and how to make it possible:
  • Find sponsors
  • Stress Buster at work. Talk to your boss.
  • Final Exam relief.
  • Combine the income of you and some friends
  • Talk to local venues where you'd like to see us play. Ask them to book us.
  • Advertise
  • Collect Donations
  • Talk to us.

The list goes on and on, but rest assured, where there is a will, there is a way. If you would like to have us play, talk to us. We'll work something out so it will be mutually beneficial. Thanks!


"How To Be Your Own Booking Agent and Save 1000s of Dollars" by Jeri Goldstein Outstanding essential resource for ANY musician especially those who must book themselves...which is all of us! Everything you need to know to book your band, you'll find in here. Order it today!!!





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