Scottish & Irish folk songs combined with Lord of the Rings music and Celtic music fun at Renaissance Faires

Interns Wanted

I'm in need of INTERNS for specific Mage Records tasks. Each task helps the Brobdingnagian Bards in various ways. You will earn free CDs, t-shirts, and more by helping out.

-- Editor for The Brobdingnagian Crier
Every two weeks, you will compile the Bards newsletter. Determine what CD to feature. Find random links. Write about certain news, etc.

See past issues for details.

-- Street Team
Available for multiple people. The purpose of this job is to generate traffic and buzz for the Brobdingnagian Bards and our projects. Your job is to pick 2-3 websites, like Myspace, Facebook, or LiveJournal, OR forums like, Google Groups, OR Internet Radio Station, or countless other sites. Then once a week, you will write your thoughts or hype about the Brobdingnagian Bards or one of our projects with a link back to those projects. Your goal is to generate buzz and you can do that by asking questions. You will then report back that website to a Street Team Coordinator.

-- Street Team Coordinator
One person is need to contact, communicate with Street Team members regarding their promotional efforts.

-- Editor for the Celtic MP3s Music Magazine
I need one person to compile the Celtic MP3s Music Magazine each month or possibily as frequently as once a week. You will compile the newsletter into HTML and Text format using whatever programs you have available.

See past issues for details.

-- Assistant Editors for the Celtic MP3s Music Magazine
I need 1-3 people who can use to build the Celtic Music Archive. All information is already pre-formatted and ready to be copy and pasted into a form. Basic understanding of HTML may be necessary.

-- Web Promoter for the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast
One person is needed to manage a Myspace webpage for the podcast. Your job will be to friend other Celtic music groups and Celtic music fans and organize a page where you can post the latest podcasts. Blog about artists and the Celtic community.

-- Web Promoter for the Renaissance Festival Podcast
One person is needed to manage a Myspace webpage for the podcast. Your job will be to friend other Ren Faire music groups and Ren Faire fans and organize a page where you can post the latest podcasts. Blog about artists and the Ren Faire community.

-- Web Promoter for the Renaissance Festival Podcast
One person is needed to manage a Myspace webpage for the podcast. Your job will be to friend other Ren Faire music groups and Ren Faire fans and organize a page where you can post the latest podcasts. Blog about artists and the Ren Faire community.




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Real Men Wear Kilts

Brobdingnagian Crier
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