I'm in need of INTERNS for specific Mage Records tasks. Each task helps the Brobdingnagian Bards in various ways. You will earn free CDs, t-shirts, and more by helping out.
-- Editor for The Brobdingnagian Crier
Every two weeks, you will compile the Bards newsletter. Determine what CD to feature. Find random links. Write about certain news, etc.
-- Street Team
Available for multiple people. The purpose of this job is to generate traffic and buzz for the Brobdingnagian Bards and our projects. Your job is to pick 2-3 websites, like Myspace, Facebook, or LiveJournal, OR forums like CelticRadio.net, Google Groups, OR Internet Radio Station, or countless other sites. Then once a week, you will write your thoughts or hype about the Brobdingnagian Bards or one of our projects with a link back to those projects. Your goal is to generate buzz and you can do that by asking questions. You will then report back that website to a Street Team Coordinator.
-- Street Team Coordinator
One person is need to contact, communicate with Street Team members regarding their promotional efforts.
-- Editor for the Celtic MP3s Music Magazine
I need one person to compile the Celtic MP3s Music Magazine each month or possibily as frequently as once a week. You will compile the newsletter into HTML and Text format using whatever programs you have available.
-- Assistant Editors for the Celtic MP3s Music Magazine
I need 1-3 people who can use Blogger.com to build the Celtic Music Archive. All information is already pre-formatted and ready to be copy and pasted into a form. Basic understanding of HTML may be necessary.
-- Web Promoter for the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast
One person is needed to manage a Myspace webpage for the podcast. Your job will be to friend other Celtic music groups and Celtic music fans and organize a page where you can post the latest podcasts. Blog about artists and the Celtic community.
-- Web Promoter for the Renaissance Festival Podcast
One person is needed to manage a Myspace webpage for the podcast. Your job will be to friend other Ren Faire music groups and Ren Faire fans and organize a page where you can post the latest podcasts. Blog about artists and the Ren Faire community.
-- Web Promoter for the Renaissance Festival Podcast
One person is needed to manage a Myspace webpage for the podcast. Your job will be to friend other Ren Faire music groups and Ren Faire fans and organize a page where you can post the latest podcasts. Blog about artists and the Ren Faire community.